lundi 14 mars à 20h30
For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting.
Music in the making, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound The third part of this long-running project, screened for the first time.
Mathieu Amalric directed the films Mange ta soupe, Le Stade de Wimbledon(2001), La Chose publique (2003), On Tour (2010), L’Illusion comique (2010), Sfar (dessins) (2010), The Blue Room(2014), Barbara (2017), Maîtres anciens (2021) et Hold Me Tight (2021).
Zorn I, Zorn II et ZORN III : Force of music
Zorn I, Zorn II et ZORN III, a long-running project, directed by Mathieu Amalric are the real piece of art in 3 acts.
For more than three hours you can sit in the cinema and watch the three films one after the one and still you want the film to go on. As Shakespeare says : » If music is the food of love, play. Give me excess of it. » You can let yourself go into the magic world of creation of John Zorn. He brings the spectator into a certain ecstasy ». As a spectator, you feel like you’re in a wonderland where music is everywhere. It is like living a real dream about the world of music, its joy , its happiness. For three hours you forget the chaotic world and you live with the force of music. Amalric with his camera and the sound that he wonderfully records let you live every single note of John Zorn. You feel like you are in a world of hypnose.
The close friendship between filmmaker and musician makes the spectator be so close to John Zorn. We follow his emotions. We live every single moment of his joy. We get the rhythm of his creation. And finally we get his force and energy of life.
Matghieu Amalric and his camera become a part of the creation of this piece of art . He is behind his camera and also with the musician in the recording session. He is the friend, the spectator, the observer. He is a mediator who let us travel in the magic world of John Zorn.
The three pieces of art are so well rythmed. There is a kind of attraction that pushes you to follow one film after the other one.
In Zorn II, the deep thought and philosophy of life of John Zorn are written on the screen while we are following the movement and the music of John Zorn. In the world of Zorn, there is no place to talk : listen to it ,play the music with full attention . Live what you are doing with joy.
In Zorn III, we follow every step of Barbara Hannigan, talented soprano singer in her intensive work of rehearsing. Mathieu Amalric brings us the intimate email exchange of the singer with John Zorn. We feel like being a part of rehearsal. At the end , like the birds that are singing outside the opera house the spectator participates in the achievement of this hard task : Following the partition and giving the best of yourself to the music.
« We are living in the world of Chao. What remains is love. I try to bring this love through music. » That is what John Zorntells in Zorn II. And that is this love for creation, love for living , love for creativity that Mathieu Amalric is inviting us to discover and live in his three piece of art Zorn I, Zorn II and Zorn III.
The three films are the force of music .
Zorn lll : Presentation of Catherine Bizern director of 44th edition of Cinema REEL
Mathieu Amalric actor and filmmaker and Barbara Hannigan talented singer are talking about making of Zorn III.
The art of filming of Mathieu Amalric
Mathieu Amalric is talking about making of ZORN III