« N A T U R A L E – il Teatro delle » de Livia Giunti – Festival 2019

Projection Mercredi 11 septembre à 19h15  

A la SACD 11 bis, rue Ballu, 75009 Paris

 « N A T UR A L E – il Teatro delle » de  Livia Giunti (58’, 2018, Italie)

Production Santifanti 


Paola and Stefano are great storytellers and their theatre is based on oral storytelling, on the transmission of personal stories and experiences. For years they have been narrating their lives through their gestures and words. They are both artists who have brought their individual and family life on the scene, who have turned their kitchen into a stage and the stage into their kitchen. The language of the film tries to follow their path through a sort of immersive observation and listen, leading the viewer through the wings of the stage and of their life.


59 Festival dei Popoli (2018)


Livia Giunti has started making short videos and documentaries as an amateur and then went to Ateliers Varan to train herself as a documentarian in 2004. She has a PhD in Cinema Studies and she is Adjunct Professor at University of Pisa. She has created and has been a teacher in several documentary and audiovisual workshops. She is cofounder of the first Italian magazine devoted to documentary cinema creative processes, the « Quaderno del CINEMAREALE » and has been President of the Association of Tuscan Documentarians. With Francesco Andreotti she has founded SANTIFANTI production company, based in Pisa, with which she has produces and realised the feature documentary film « LOVE IS ALL. Piergiorgio Welby, Self-portrait », screened at 56 Festival dei Popoli and Special Mention at Nastri d’Argento 2017 (www.loveisallmovie.com). At present she is realising a video format on University of Pisa research activities.

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Les « petits mots » du comité sur le film 

Beauté théâtrale, choix de dispositif intéressant, montage rythmé, excellent rapport filmeur et filmé, magnifique histoire.

Débat animé par Animé par Guy Lavigerie et Mina Rad

Catégorie :Film sur l’art (Théâtre, danse, littérature et cinéma )

A propos de Coordination Festival AprèsVaran

Le Festival AprèsVaran est un rendez-vous annuel organisé depuis 2014 par les anciens stagiaires des Ateliers Varan. Le Bureau des Anciens Élèves regroupe 1500 élèves formés depuis plus de 30 ans à Paris et à l’étranger. -En 2014, pour sa première édition, le festival se voulait être un hommage au son. -En 2015, lors de sa deuxième édition, le festival s’est focalisé sur le parcours de réalisateurs confirmés comme Julie Bertuccelli, Mariana Otero et Marie-Pierre Brêtas. -En 2016, le festival traite de l'écriture dans le documentaire.

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